2012. 12. 22. 08:26 DataBase/MongoDB
'DataBase'에 해당되는 글 2건
- 2012.12.22 Convert MySQL Queries to MongoDB Syntax
- 2012.04.28 CartoDB 소개
2012. 4. 28. 13:01 DataBase
CartoDB 소개
It was built to make it easier for people to tell their stories by providing them with flexible and intuitive ways to create maps and design geospatial applications. CartoDB can be installed on your own server and we also offer a hosted service at cartodb.com.
open source download
- Mapnik 2.0
- NodeJS 0.4.10+
- PostGIS 2.0
- Postgres 9.1.x
- Redis 2.2+
- Varnish 3.0+
- Ruby 1.9.2+
- Windshaft-cartodb
여행관련 스토리텔링 할 수 있는 플랫폼을 계속 구상중인데 잘만들었지만 원하는 기능을 담기에는 조금 부족하다.
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