Posted by 한효정

Posted by 한효정

Posted by 한효정

We propose interest seam image, an efficient visual synopsis for video. To extract an interest seam image, a spatiotemporal energy map is constructed for the target video shot. Then an optimal seam which encompasses the highest energy is identified by an efficient dynamic programming algorithm. The optimal seam is used to extract a seam of pixels from each video frame to form one column of an image, based on which an interest seam image is finally composited. The interest seam image is efficient both in terms of computation and memory cost. Therefore it is able to power a wide variety of web-scale video content analysis applications, such as near duplicate video clip search, video genre recognition and classification, as well as video clustering, etc.. The representation capacity of the proposed interest seam image is demonstrated in a large scale video retrieval task. Its advantages are clearly exhibited when compared with previous works, as reported in our experiments.


Posted by 한효정

Posted by 한효정
 Ruei-Sung Lin, David Ross, Jay Yagnik. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2010. 

Searching approximate nearest neighbors in large scale high dimensional data set has been a challenging problem. This paper presents a novel and fast algorithm for learning binary hash functions for fast nearest neighbor retrieval. The nearest neighbors are defined according to the semantic similarity between the objects. Our method uses the information of these semantic similarities and learns a hash function with binary code such that only objects with high similarity have small Hamming
distance. The hash function is incrementally trained one bit at a time, and as bits are added to the hash code Hamming distances between dissimilar objects increase. We further link our method to the idea of maximizing conditional entropy among pair of bits and derive an extremely efficient linear time hash learning algorithm. Experiments on similar image retrieval and celebrity face recognition show that our method produces apparent improvement in performance over some state-of-the-art methods.

'Paper Reading > CVPR' 카테고리의 다른 글

Microsoft Research Street Slide View  (0) 2010.07.30
Interest Seam Image  (0) 2010.07.28
Faster-than-SIFT Object Detection  (0) 2010.06.18
cvpr2010 papers top #10  (0) 2010.05.30
INRIA  (0) 2010.05.16
Posted by 한효정

Borja Peleato and Matt Jones,
March 14, 2009

We propose the use of generic trees for realtime object search, and improve on the classication time taken by SIFT approximately by a factor of 5. Our approach also supports very fast training, taking no longer than it takes to search for an object in one candidate image.

Section 2 provides the background and an overview of the previous related work. 
Section 3 explains in detail our proposed scheme, 
before going into the analysis and results in section 4. 
Finally, section 5 reviews the main features of our method and gives some possible directions for future work.

'Paper Reading > CVPR' 카테고리의 다른 글

Interest Seam Image  (0) 2010.07.28
SPEC Hashing: Similarity Preserving algorithm for Entropy-based Coding,  (0) 2010.06.19
cvpr2010 papers top #10  (0) 2010.05.30
INRIA  (0) 2010.05.16
Finding Paths through the World's Photos  (0) 2010.05.15
Posted by 한효정

2010. 6. 9. 23:00 Aphorism/Diary

요즘의 나....

강하다 부러진 격! 

찌질해진 격!

그냥 될대로 되라~ 


'Aphorism > Diary' 카테고리의 다른 글

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연애시대 다시보기  (0) 2010.06.05
이사  (0) 2010.06.01
Posted by 한효정
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