Object Recognition
CS395T: Special Topics in Computer Vision, Spring 2010
Object Recognition
Course overview Useful links Syllabus Detailed schedule eGradebook Blackboard
Meets: Wednesdays
3:30-6:30 pm
ACES 3.408
Unique # 54470
Office: CSA
Office: CSA
When emailing us, please put CS395 in the subject line.
See the schedule
current reading assignments.
Course overview:
Topics: This is a graduate seminar
course in computer vision. We will survey and discuss
current vision papers relating to object recognition, auto-annotation
of images, and scene understanding. The goals of the course will
be to understand current approaches to some important problems, to
actively analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and to identify
interesting open questions and possible directions for future research.
See the syllabus
for an outline of the main
topics we'll be covering.
Requirements: Students will be
responsible for writing paper reviews each week, participating in
discussions, completing one programming assignment, presenting once or
twice in class (depending on enrollment, and possibly done in teams),
and completing a project (done in pairs).
Note that presentations are
due one week before the slot
your presentation is scheduled. This means you will need to read
the papers, prepare experiments, make plans with your partner, create
slides, etc. more than one week before the date you are signed up
for. The idea is to meet and discuss ahead of time, so that we
can iterate as needed the week leading up to your presentation.
More details on the
requirements and grading breakdown are here.
Prereqs: Courses in computer
vision and/or machine learning (378 Computer Vision and/or 391 Machine
Learning, or similar); ability to understand and analyze conference
papers in this area; programming required for experiment presentations
and projects.
Please talk to me if you
are unsure if the course is a good match for your background. I
generally recommend scanning through a few papers on the syllabus to
gauge what kind of background is expected. I don't assume you are
already familiar with every single algorithm/tool/image feature a given
paper mentions, but you should feel comfortable following the key ideas.
Syllabus overview:
- Single-object recognition fundamentals: representation, matching, and classification
- Beyond single objects: recognizing categories in context and learning their properties
- Scalability issues in category learning, detection, and search
- Recognition and "everyday" visual data
Other useful links:
- Compiled
- OpenCV (open source computer vision library)
- Weka (Java data mining software)
- Netlab (Matlab toolbox for data analysis techniques, written by Ian Nabney and Christopher Bishop)
- CV Online
- Annotated Computer Vision Bibliography
- Computer vision conferences
- ICCV 2005 / CVPR 2007 / ICCV 2009 Short Course on Recognition
- AAAI 2008 Tutorial on Recognition
- ICML 2008 Tutorial on Recognition
Related courses:
Past semesters at UT:
- CS 395T Spring 2007: Object Recognition
- CS 395T Spring 2008: Visual Recognition and Search
- CS 395T Spring 2009: Visual Recognition and Search
By colleagues elsewhere:
- Object Recognition and Scene Understanding, MIT, Antonio Torralba
- Learning-based Methods in Vision, CMU, Alyosha Efros
- Selected Topics in Vision & Learning, UCSD, Serge Belongie
- Recognition Problems in Computer Vision, SFU, Greg Mori
- High-Level Recognition in Computer Vision, Princeton, Fei-Fei Li
- Computer Vision and the Web, UNC, Svetlana Lazebnik